Setup and install the SDK
Installing the toolkit for qiskit
Usage Directions - Core SDK
Usage Directions - toolkit for qiskit
License Terms
Executing Sycamore Circuits
Example Programs
Python API Reference
Credits and Acknowledgements
Quantum Rings SDK
Welcome to Quantum Rings SDK documentation!
Welcome to Quantum Rings SDK documentation!
Setup and install the SDK
Minimum System Requirements
Installation - Windows
Installation - macOS Sequoia
Installation - Google Colab
Installation - Linux
Installing the toolkit for qiskit
Supported qiskit version
Installing the toolkit
Usage Directions - Core SDK
Obtaining the backend for execution
Executing the Code
Importing QASM2 code
Using c_if control statements
Generating equivalent QASM2 code
Creating Parameterized Quantum Circuits
Usage Directions - toolkit for qiskit
Step 1. Import the required modules
Step 2. Build the Quantum Circuit
Step 3. Execute the Quantum Circuit using the Quantum Rings Backend
Using the Sampler
Saving the Quantum Rings account locally
Sampler: Example Code
Using the Estimator
License Terms
Executing Sycamore Circuits
Example Programs
Quantum Rings Core SDK Examples
Toolkit for Qiskit Examples from Qiskit Tutorials
API Reference
Python API Reference
Credits and Acknowledgements
3rd Party Credits
Indices and tables
Module Index
Search Page