QrEstimatorV1 module

class QrEstimatorV1

A derivative of the BackendEstimatorV1 class, to estimates expectation values of quantum circuits and observables using the Quantum Rings backend.

An estimator is initialized with an empty parameter set. The estimator is used to create a JobV1, via the qiskit.primitives.Estimator.run() method. This method is called with the following parameters

  • quantum circuits (\(\psi_i( heta)\)): list of (parameterized) quantum circuits (a list of QuantumCircuit objects).

  • observables (\(H_j\)): a list of SparsePauliOp objects.

  • parameter values (:math:` heta_k`): list of sets of values to be bound to the parameters of the quantum circuits (list of list of float).

The method returns a JobV1 object, calling qiskit.providers.JobV1.result() yields a list of expectation values for the estimation.

QrEstimatorV1(*, backend: QrBackendV2 | None = None, options: dict | None = None, run_options: dict | None = None)
backend: The Quantum Rings backend to run the primitive on.
options: The options to control the defaults
run_options: See options.

Returns the options

run(circuits: list[QuantumCircuit], observables: list[BaseOperator], parameter_values: list[float] | None = None, **run_options)

Executes the pubs and estimates all associated observables.

pubs: The pub to preprocess.
precision: None

The job associated with the pub