QrStatevector module

class QrStatevector

Implements the Quantum Rings Statevector class

QrStatevector(data, dims, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize a Quantum Rings statevector object.

data: Data from which the statevector can be constructed. This can be either a complex
vector, QuantumCircuit or Instruction. If the data is a circuit or instruction,
the statevector is constructed by assuming that all qubits are initialized to the
zero state.
dims: The subsystem dimension of the state (usually 2).
np.ndarray: The complex statevector.
sample_memory(shots: int, qargs: list)

Sample a list of qubit measurement outcomes in the computational basis.

shots (int): number of samples to generate.
qargs (None or list): qubits to sample measurements for, if None sample measurement of all qubits (Default: None).
np.array: list of sampled counts if the order sampled.